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Welcome to Divinity Poodles
We are David and Denise Williams. We, along with the rest of our family, both two- and four-legged, make up Divinity Poodles.
David and I first became involved with Standard Poodles in 2011 when we got our boy, Cale, from Jac Harbour at Tudorose Standard Poodles. We were looking for a good hunting/working dog that was also 'hypo-allergenic'. Although we both owned other breeds of dogs, including German Shepherds and Labs for most of our lives, David lived with Poodles as a child, and we decided to go back to the Best of the Best!
We have been very blessed with our dogs and we strive to breed intelligent, conformationally correct dogs with sound temperaments. Our goal is a healthy, sound, great family pet that is able to do whatever is asked of him or her - whether as a service dog, for performance, hunting and always a loving companion.
We are members in good standing with:
CKC (Canadian Kennel Club)
PCC (Poodle Club of Canada)
UPA (United Poodle Association)
VIP (Versatility in Poodles)
West Coast Dog Sport and Show Club
Please look around and feel free to contact us with any further questions - Enjoy!

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